How To Avoid Weight Loss When You Have Trouble Swallowing

Alamo ENT Associates

Difficulty in swallowing foods and liquids, or dysphagia, can cause a range of further symptoms and issues with your health and wellbeing. When you struggle to swallow food and liquid, one of the first things that you might notice is that you are unintentionally and quickly losing weight. Even if you are overweight, rapid weight loss due to not getting enough nutrients from your food is not safe or healthy. Rapid weight loss can lead to serious medical complications if you are underweight or even for those who already have a healthy weight. For people with swallowing difficulties, the following strategies may help to prevent unhealthy weight loss.

Thickening Products

If you find that you cannot consume liquid foods or drinks like soups, smoothies, coffee, and tea or even water without having problems with swallowing or aspirating when you try to swallow, then adding a gel to thicken the product can help. SimplyThick thickener gel can be added to a wide range of different liquid substances to achieve a thicker consistency and help make it easier for you to swallow.

Foods with High Fat Content

Eating foods that have a high content of healthy fats like avocados can help you maintain a healthy weight even when you are struggling to swallow. Avocados are particularly good since they are soft and easy to mash, making them easy to swallow. They also have quite a mild taste on their own, so they can easily be added to other food products by blending such as soups and smoothies, creating a creamier texture without overpowering the taste.

Load Up on Protein

Eating foods that are typically high in protein like lean meats or legume might be particularly difficult for people with dysphagia. Because of this, it is important to make sure that you are getting enough protein in your diet in other ways. Protein is important for your muscle health and function and will help you avoid losing muscle if you are consuming fewer calories due to dysphagia. Protein shakes or foods like scrambled eggs are ideal choices.

Eat Slowly

Even if you do manage to swallow food that has been blended, mashed, or chopped into smaller pieces, many people with dysphagia struggle with symptoms like bringing food back up after swallowing. This means that the food is not being digested and can cause rapid weight loss to occur. Giving yourself more time at mealtimes and eating slowly with small mouthfuls can not only make it easier to swallow but can also prevent regurgitation. You may also want to remain upright for around thirty minutes after eating to give the food a better chance of digesting.

Eat Little and Often

Sitting down to eat a full meal might be a lot for somebody with dysphagia, so the best approach is to eat little and often. Eating small amounts of food frequently throughout the day may be easier to manage, and will help you ensure that you are getting the recommended calorie intake.

Rapid and unintended weight loss is a common side effect of swallowing difficulties. If you are struggling with dysphagia, these strategies can help you maintain a healthy weight.

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